The following steps outline the process for receiving services from Accessibility Resource Center (ARC):
- A student must (1) identify as having a disability (which is done by submitting the ARC Affiliation Form), (2) provide current and comprehensive documentation from a professional qualified to diagnose the specific disability, and (3) provide documentation of accommodations provided by prior schools (copies are okay). The documentation must be on professional letter head and sent to as a PDF whenever possible. Anything on a prescription pad will not be accepted.
- The ARC Specialist will review all documentation and determine whether the student is eligible to receive services.
- Appropriate accommodations are determined by the student and the ARC Specialist, based on documented needs and functional limitations of the student.
- Students are responsible for meeting with their instructors to discuss the accommodations and provide them with a letter written by ARC which lists the approved academic accommodations.
Some students find it easier to write a letter of introduction (in addition to the ARC memo) to give to their instructor(s). Writing a letter allows you to edit and re-edit what you are trying to say.
For more information, please see our Frequently Asked Questions